What is Wolfenoot?
Wolfenoot was created by my (then) 7 year old son. I thought, “What a cool idea” and posted about it on Facebook, as I do many of his cool ideas. A couple of my friends asked me to make it public. It exploded. I made an event at a request. Then I tweeted about it and everything went crazy.
This was my original post:
My son has invented a holiday called Wolfenoot.
It is when the Spirit of the Wolf brings and hides small gifts around the house for everyone. People who have, have had, or are kind to dogs get better gifts than anyone else.
You eat roast meat (because wolves eat meat) and cake decorated like a full moon.
A holiday to the spirit of wolves that celebrates people who are kind to dogs? I can 100% get behind this. So we will be celebrating Wolfenoot. It’s on the 23rd November if anyone else is moved to celebrate it. If you do, please post pics, so he can see how his idea has spread.
If you’re posting publicly about it, use #wolfenoot.
If you’re a new fan, welcome to the Wolfenati.
Where to find us
Official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wolfenootmom
Official Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wolfenootcentral
Official Twitter: @realwolfenoot
If you want to support us in turning this into a non-profit, you can do so at www.patreon.com/wolfenootmom.
I would love, eventually, to be able to run Wolfenoot like a fully fledged non-profit organisation. I have started making moves towards this, but it all costs time and money. By supporting the Patreon, you are supporting the work that I do towards this goal.
If you’d just like to thank me for the time and energy I pour into this thing, you can buy me a coffee. ko-fi.com/jaxgoss
Also, please read the FAQs before sending me questions: https://wolfenoot.com/wolfenoot-faq/
Thank you beautiful Wolfenati.