Kindness Challenge No.2

Hello, wonderful Wolfenati!

This is your second challenge in a series of kindness challenges to celebrate the season of Wolfenoot (known by some as “Snootenboopen”).

Over the next few days I would like you to make something for someone. I am leaving it wide open to interpretation so that you can use the skills and knowledge at your disposal. Perhaps you are an excellent baker, and can rustle up some cookies or cupcakes for a friend. Perhaps you are an artist and can make something beautiful for someone you know.

It can be as big or small as you like. Give a flower crown to your bestie. Or make cookies for the whole office (if you are in a place where you are still going to an office). My only criteria is that it should be something that you make yourself. Be creative!

If you do this challenge, please post about it on your preferred social media platform and hashtag it #wolfenoot2021 so I can snoop and see the wonderful things you are doing. :) <3

Kindness Challenge 2.png

Kindness Challenge No. 3


Wolfenoot Season 2021